Social Media Security Breach

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“Is there anything in this post that I wouldn’t want a hacker to know?”

Social media can be a fun way to connect with coworkers, promote our companies or organizations, and share our successes online. However, hackers exploit social media when searching for details to craft more convincing attacks against companies. Think before you post! Here are a few things hackers may be looking for in your social media feeds.


While hashtags are a convenient way of tagging and finding like-minded people and posts on social media, hackers use hashtags to figure out who is new in your organization. This alone may not be enough to exploit a company. But, coupled with other items on this list, it is a recipe for disaster.


When taking photos or videos of yourself and your coworkers or your employees in the office, be aware of the surroundings. Hackers will look for details they can use to trick employees into clicking links and/or giving up information.

Posters, flyers, and whiteboards are often used to display team-building and extracurricular office activities. If a hacker sees that there is a sports league at your office, they may send around a link to the “spring schedule”. Except, it won’t be a link to the schedule.

Computer screens visible in office photos can provide hackers with a wealth of information. Aside from the more obvious data breach-type information that might be exposed, hackers can see what type of software your company is using and craft an attack disguised as a software update.

Post-it notes are a not-so-safe home to many a password. If left out in the open, a hacker can see in plain text passwords needed to gain access to the system. Be aware of passwords left in plain sight elsewhere as well. It would be bad if a hacker gained access to your network because someone posted a photo of the office WiFi password and posted it online accidentally.

ID Badges

Never post photos of your ID badges, especially up-close and personal shots where all the details are legible. Think about how easy it would be for a hacker to recreate an ID badge with your template online for all to see. It’s easy enough to make a real-looking ID badge that would fool a receptionist or a borough resident.


Social media is a great place to post company-wide achievements and announcements. However, this is another way hackers can exploit your company. Hackers are looking for targets who can pay. Knowing that you have a high-value cyber insurance policy may make your company or organization a target.

Rather than abandoning social media altogether, just pause and think before posting anything online. A security breach is not worth the “like”.

Remind your staff about social media security in the workplace with this free cyber security poster.